About Stephanie

Hi there!

Thank you for visiting my site and WELCOME!

My name is Stephanie and I am a mom of two beautiful little girls, wife to a police officer, cancer survivor, Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Online Fitness Coach.  I originally created this site back in 2014 to share my own personal journey with health and fitness that I started with a goal of making myself a priority again after a cancer diagnosis, two pregnancies, and a crazy demanding career. 

I have struggled with my weight my entire life, which resulted in low self esteem and depression.  As a busy mom with a 3 hour daily commute, a husband with unconventional working hours, and very little time and energy left over for myself, I was extremely overwhelmed when it came to taking care of myself.  But with the scare of cancer, two little girls that looked to me for everything, and a trip to the cardiologist for heart palpitations, I knew that I would be no good to anyone else if I didn’t make a big change. So, I buckled down, began working out at home in my living room, starting tracking what I ate, and lost 90+ pounds.

Once a Recruiter, I traded my corporate career in for being a Stay-At-Home Mom/Wife and Online Fitness Coach and quickly evolved into becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. What started as an honest blog of trials and tribulations, this journey has coincidentally grown into a business of helping others find their way back to fit with the same strategies that worked for me.  

Therefore, DreamFIT Training and Wellness was born.

I hope you’ll enjoy following along with my own personal journey (that continues with each day) and I look forward to helping you along your own!



Interested in working together?

Visit my services page where you can learn all about the different ways I can help you reach your health and wellness goals!

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